Bringing Water to Kern County Since 1961.
CVCAC Agenda
Cross Valley Canal Advisory Committee Agenda
UBAC Agenda
Urban Bakersfield Advisory Committee Agenda
About KCWA
Established in 1961 through a particular act of the California State Legislature, the Kern County Water Agency (Agency) functions as the local contracting entity for the State Water Project. Its responsibilities encompass a broad spectrum of water management activities, spanning water quality maintenance, flood control, and groundwater operations, all aimed at safeguarding and improving Kern County’s vital water supply—a cornerstone of the region’s economic health

California's Most Precious Resource

Managing an Extraordinary Water Year 2023
Kern County experienced an exceptionally water-rich year in 2023, benefiting from higher than usual rainfall and snowmelt. This abundance has significantly replenished local reservoirs and aquifers, enhancing water security and supporting both agricultural and urban needs. The surplus has also bolstered our groundwater banking efforts, ensuring sustainable water use and management for the future. But is that enough water?
Each year, the Kern County Water Agency’s Improvement District No. 4’s (ID4) comprehensive Water Education Program educates thousands of local students about Kern County’s local and state water supplies, and the importance of water and its conservation.
K-6th Grade Programs
7th-12th Grade Programs
The State Water Project
Improvement District No. 4 Overview
Cross Valley Canal
Groundwater Banking
Flood Control
Outreach Activities

The Kern County Water Agency’s poster contest is back!
- For Grades 1-6
- Winning entries are displayed on the Agency’s website
Celebrate your creativity and passion for water conservation by joining us in this exciting opportunity. Unleash your artistic talents to create impactful visuals that promote sustainable water use. This is your chance to contribute to our community’s awareness and foster a greater understanding of water resource management. Dive into the details and get ready to participate!
The Kern County Water Agency has released two videos for the classroom.
Kindergarten–4th Grade Animated Video
Exploring Bakersfield's Water
This animated video teaches students about where their water comes from and the part they can play in water conservation. The video also explores how much water is required to make pizza, a food they all enjoy.
5th–6th Grade Video
A Deeper Look at Bakersfield's Water
The video covers Bakersfield’s water sources and highlights indirect water usage, such as water used to make everyday items. Students are also introduced to how water is cleaned and purified at the Henry C. Garnett Water Purification Plant.